After reading Teaching Career: Life Change #3 many of you have been asking me, now what? And if you’ve been following along for any amount of time, I bet you can guess the answer. Yep, photography is my life change #2! In high school I got my first digital camera for my birthday (I’ll spare you those pictures…) and my love for the art started. I’ve dappled in photography here and there since then, but never invested much to truly learn how to use a camera.
The desire to take a photography course has been on the back burning for many years and I finally decided to take the plunge last spring when I stumbled upon Amy and Jordan Demos. Two former elementary teachers gone full time photographers. Sound familiar? I guess I could relate in more ways than one. The course along with my family and friends gave me the confidence to start this new adventure. I’ve already grown with my business so much in a year, meeting new people and designing a new website, I can’t wait to see where this takes me!
Although I love photographing many different subjects, seniors are my favorite. That’s why I’m so thrilled to be launching my first Senior Spokesmodel program this year! This is an opportunity for seniors to be the face of Katie Hudgins Photography for the year and participate in styled photo sessions throughout the year. What a great way to document such a monumentous year! You can check out more about it here!

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