Downtown & Pioneer Park Senior Session

The evening was a warm welcome from the morning rain. The golden sun was quickly slipping behind the downtown buildings. Jackson sat on the Depot steps, automatically leaning his elbows on his knees. Cars buzzed down Montana Avenue. “Now give me a scowl.” He did and boy did he nail it! “That’s the one right there!”

Jackson is a very involved senior at Billings Senior High School this year. Not only is he taking impressive math and science classes (some of his favorites) but he is also the drum major of the pep band and plays the sousaphone in the marching band. Yes, I had to ask what instrument that was. If that wasn’t enough he is also the number two doubles seat on the tennis team! Jackson is a very easy going young man who was up for trying different poses and locations downtown then heading over to Pioneer Park to get some natural backgrounds. He really does have a great smile, even though my favorite pictures turned out to be his serious look.

Jackson, I had such a great time exploring downtown and Pioneer Park with you. You were so fun to photograph! I’m sure with your jam packed schedule your year will fly by but make sure to take some time to enjoy it all. I can’t wait to hear about all your success this year. Jackson, thank you again for spending your evening with me and choosing me to capture your downtown & Pioneer Park senior session.

Downtown & Pioneer Park Senior Session
Downtown & Pioneer Park Senior Session

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