Best Friend Session

The days were clearly getting shorter as the sun was quickly dropping behind the horizon. The golden sun reflected off the river and gave the girls a beautiful glow. Touches of fall hung in the trees. The evening was still warm as we meandered through the cottonwood grove. The gravel path crunched beneath our feet, but was drowned out by giggles and chatting. The conversation turned to friendships and the most profound thought came out of these wise girls. “Having a lot of friends sounds fun, but just a few is the way to go. Then you can really get close to them.”

Zoey choose 4 of her closest friends for this session and let me tell you, IT WAS SO FUN! I’m not sure I’ve ever laughed so much at a session. I’m convinced everyone NEEDS a best friend session! These girls were up for anything, including balancing over the rocky river edge and frolicking through a field. They picked casual outfits that coordinated with each other and followed posing direction so they looked flawless. Not only are they gorgeous, but they are just the sweetest. They were telling me all about how long they’ve known each other and how much they value their friendship.

Zoey, you are just the best! I loved meeting all your friends and spending the evening capturing the sweet relationship you have with each one of these girls. Your upbeat demeanor and gently spirt just made my night, and you made me feel like one of your friends! I hope that you can continue to look back on these photos and remember what special people you have by your side. Zoey, thank you again for allowing me to capture your best friend session.

Best friend session
Best friend session
Best friend session
Best friend session
Best friend session

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