Smiles filled the faces of those in the room. A tear was wiped away from the loving eyes of Emma Kate’s grandfather. The whole church raised their right hands and gave a hearty “Amen.” Joy filled both Jackson and Hannah as they looked out among their friends and family who were promising to support them in their endeavor to nurture their daughter to follow the Lord.
What a special Mother’s Day for Hannah! Having their daughter baptized at Rocky Mountain Community Church added a reminder for all the moms to be godly examples for their children. It was a reminder to everyone that we are all born into sin. We need the cleansing blood of Jesus Christ. We need the renewing grace of the Holy Spirit. It is clear that Jackson and Hannah are training up their children in the way they should go, so even when they are older, they will not depart from it.
Hannah and Jackson, it has been wonderful to be in a parenting class with you. I’ve enjoyed the last few months of hearing your thoughts. You are both wonderful parents and are already navigating the addition of Emma beautifully. Remember you are not alone, your church family is here to support you in any way you need. Hannah and Jackson, it means so much that you would trust me twice to capture your precious moments. Thank you for choosing me to capture Emma Kate’s baptism and your floral baby shower.

Beautiful pictures and the narrative you share also. You are very talented. Praying blessings for you and your new adventure.
Love, Auntie Cindy