I can hear them down the hall in the nursery. They aren’t playing, just looking around. Then my heart melts. “When you were a baby, I helped with you. We are both going to be great helpers when the new baby comes.” I love overhearing the sweet moments between siblings! Yes, the rumors are true. Our biggest life change #1 is… We are expecting a baby this winter!
Harper is most excited about holding the baby. She is always wanting to help so I know she’ll be right by my side trying to play mama just like she did when Jaxon was born. Jaxon is most excited about petting the baby’s head. He is all about babies right now and I love seeing a gentle side to him. Harper is hoping for a sister whereas Jaxon is rooting for a brother. Big surprise there. It makes me think back to when my mom was expecting her 3rd child. I was set on her having a girl and naming her Kimberly, after the pink power ranger. My older brother thought a boy named Jason, after the red power ranger, was a better fit. My parents had a boy and named him Zachary, after the black power ranger. Although they may tell you the name came from somewhere else, I’m not convinced. 🙂
We will find out soon enough if we are welcoming a boy or a girl. So stay tuned to see what our tie breaker baby will be! And if you haven’t had the chance to read about ALL the new things happening to our family this year be sure to go back and check out Life Change #2 and Life Change #3!

So excited for you guys!!! I love the power ranger story 😅 I casting my vote for a boy 🙂 Thank you for always sending my family Christmas cards. 🥰🥰