Airplane Senior Session

The early morning air was crisp. The clouds hung in the sky, but that didn’t intimidate us. Light rain started to fall. This was the location we were looking forward to most so we couldn’t stop now. As we circled the airplane taking pictures from all angles, Joseph reached up to his aviators. His hand grasped them and paused for a moment. It was like a scene from Top Gun, too perfect for words. He pulled them off as my camera took what felt like a bazillion photos as to not miss this moment. He turned to me. “We got it” I said through my smile. “We have to show my mom this one!” We both knew this was the picture we were waiting for.

Joseph was a blast to work with. His personality came out quickly and was a natural in front of the camera! He didn’t let a drizzly Montana morning stop his optimism for a successful airplane senior session. I loved that he brought different outfits that fit his personality and complimented each location choice. My favorite part had to be watching Joseph’s excitement as he climbed up rock formations in search of the perfect location. But I truly loved seeing his mom and him interact. She knew just what to say to get a great smile out of him and I could tell they had a special relationship.

Joseph, your outgoing personality made my job so easy! Thanks for being willing to sacrifice your wardrobe to sandstone, mud puddles, and cold wet bleachers. You are such a go-getter and I can’t wait to hear about how you took advantage of every minute of your senior year. You finally made it! Work hard but enjoy these next few months! Joseph, thanks again for giving me the privilege of spending the morning with you and choosing me to take your senior photos!

Airplane Senior Session
Airplane Senior Session
Airplane Senior Session
Airplane Senior Session

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