Artist Senior Session

The river rushed by. Dogs and their people meandered along the path in the fleeting evening light. Arrow sat on the sandstone rocks looking out across the river. As he told me about his summer, I couldn’t help but ask more and more questions. Who wouldn’t want to know more about petting alligators!? We talked about reptiles and how that was his favorite thing to draw. With his serious way of speaking he said “I draw mostly birds. Birds are reptiles.” Wait what? My face must have shown a puzzled look, because before I could get a word out Arrow’s mom spoke up from the sidelines. “Don’t get him started on that!” I looked back towards Arrow and saw the BIGGEST, REAL smile break out across his face!

Arrow is such a neat young man! He is so smart and talented, but very humble about it all. I loved how honest and how he stayed true to himself during his session. He brought along his artwork to showcase which brought out his personality in his photos. Arrow was open to trying different locations and poses. He was even open to sliding down the sandstone rocks (these were not his shoes with the most grip, he kept reminding me 😉 ) to get closer to the river.

Arrow, you are so incredibly talented and I loved hearing your opinions on hot dogs being tacos and cereal being a soup. And of course how much you taught me about reptiles! I hope that your senior year goes better than you expect. I can’t wait to hear all you learned in your AP classes. Maybe you’ll be able to teach me some German in the spring! Arrow, thank you again for choosing me to capture your senior pictures.

Artist Senior Session
Artist Senior Session

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