Daniel’s Cap and Gown Session

It was so good to see Daniel again for his cap and gown session! It feels like just yesterday we were waking up bright and early for his senior session. Once again Daniel’s sense of humor and laid back personality came out during our session and made taking photos of him a breeze!

One of my favorite parts of cap and gown sessions is the interview, and here’s Daniel’s:

Overall how did the year go? It was hard, but it feels food that I’m done with it. What was the best part? Finishing! What was the hardest part? 4th period Digital Electronics. I don’t like manipulating wires in circuitry. What will you miss? My friends. What are your future plans? Attending Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Arizona to get a degree in aeronautical engineering. (I kept telling him this was a mouth full.) What are you looking forward to the most after graduation? Summer senior trip to Germany. (He’s visiting 5 countries total for this trip!) What are you the most nervous about after graduation? Moving to a new environment with new people and a new structure to get used to. What is your advice to the junior class? Senioritis will hit you hard. Do your best to get some people around you to help you push through. (I love this! Alway the team mentality with Daniel.)

Daniel, as always it was a pleasure to capture photos for you! I enjoyed hearing about your year and how well you and your swim team did. I’m so excited for your next few months as you have an amazing trip and move to look forward to. I’m sure you will find a great support team in Arizona to help you reach your goals. I wish you all the best in this next step. Thank you again for choosing me to capture your cap and gown session.

Daniel's Cap and Gown Session
Daniel's Cap and Gown Session

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