String Quartet Session

The evening rain settled the smoke that hung in the air. The clouds were still thick in the sky giving little room for the sun to break through. The dropping red sun beckoned mosquitoes in and sent people out of the park. We tromped through the golden grass and the Aurora String Quartet chatted and laughed among themselves. It was clear they were a fun group of ladies. I asked how they decided on their name and they chuckled and said “Funny story…” I though, I like them already.

The Aurora String Quartet dressed in coordinating greens and purples to compliment their name. They chose a natural backdrop which fit their personality well. They were up for creative poses and all took direction with a smile on their face. I learned SO many new terms about quartets during our time together. (I knew nothing and they were so sweet and easy to talk to.) I may forget some of the instrument names, but the one thing I’ll remember is that the Aurora String Quartet needs to be on your list for your next event! Check out more about them HERE and book them to learn how they got their name!

Kassidy, Hannah, Lauren, and Paige your fun personalities made this session a dream. Thank you for braving the mosquitoes and taking posing directions so well! My only regret is that I didn’t get to hear you play anything, but I hope to make it to a performance in the near future. 🙂 I wish you all great success with your quartet and I look forward to following along with your accomplishments. Thank you again for choosing me to capture your string quartet session.

String Quartet Session
String Quartet Session
String Quartet Session
String Quartet Session

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