The wild Montana wind had stilled leaving a perfect fall evening. His hands spun a racket as we walked on the courts. The suit he wore juxtaposed the sport of tennis. He casually tossed the tennis ball up and sent the ball flying. The suit jacket moved with the swing as if it belonged to […]

The days were clearly getting shorter as the sun was quickly dropping behind the horizon. The golden sun reflected off the river and gave the girls a beautiful glow. Touches of fall hung in the trees. The evening was still warm as we meandered through the cottonwood grove. The gravel path crunched beneath our feet, […]

The evening was a warm welcome from the morning rain. The golden sun was quickly slipping behind the downtown buildings. Jackson sat on the Depot steps, automatically leaning his elbows on his knees. Cars buzzed down Montana Avenue. “Now give me a scowl.” He did and boy did he nail it! “That’s the one right […]

The dark clouds loomed over the rims, but Natalie wasn’t going to let a chance of rain stop her from having an amazing cap and gown session. She even had some overcast skies and chances of rain for her roots garden center session but her smile could light up the gloomiest of days. And that’s […]

The sun warmed the brick building. It casted a golden glow on this spring evening. The downtown lights were just starting to come on creating little sparkles in the background. The street was quiet; a reminder summer was not yet here. We discussed how prom went for each girl and moved to the old depot […]

Katie Hudgins

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