Cold clouds covered the December morning sky. Walking into the building for an indoor extended family session was a warm welcome from the spitting rain and snow outside. Excitement from family together and holiday plans seemed to dance around the room. Or many we were actually dancing around the room. Silly children’s music blasted in […]

The leaves rustled in the gentle breeze and a chill was in the air. Winter was close and trying to move in. Fall was not letting go. The cottonwoods were hanging onto their last leaves in protest. Burnt orange, golden amber, and blush red filled the landscape and gave warmth to the brisk evening. Asher […]

The breeze blew gently, rattling the dry leaves. Golden hearts shimmered across the sky and fell with the other leaves that littered the path way. They crunched beneath our feet. Foliage of every fall color imaginable surrounded us. As I took the boy’s photos, I could tell Wyatt need more. “How about we have a […]

The morning sun illuminated the tall grass. The golden field looked ablaze and gave warmth to the brisk fall morning. Kristin’s smile beamed. She told me when Jenni asked her if she wanted to take pictures together, there was no hesitation. It was an immediate “YES!” She went on and said how they even got […]

The warm day was a welcome from the rainy weekend. The sun shone brightly parting the few clouds in the sky. A perfect Montana spring day for a Billings elopement. On the top of the rims, the wind blew the tall grass and gave movement to Alicia’s angelic gown and golden hair. Alicia and Cody […]

The breeze had stopped making the 40 degree temperatures seem tolerable. Many had already taken shelter from the cold in their cars. The park had cleared. It was now quiet and still. The golden grass glowed from the setting light. As we walked back to the parking lot, time seemed to slow down from the […]

The sound of the river trickled by. We balanced over wobbly river rock. The chatter of the girls drifted in the quiet moments. My eyes were drawn to the bright colors of fall leaves lining the river. As we moved around to different locations, the girls started warming up. Before I knew it they were […]

The sun is dipping behind the cottonwood trees. Fall colors in the leaves are prominent this evening, creating a glow in the open field. The many voices of a large extended family fill the quiet field. As I make the fine adjustments to where the thirteen Haan grandchildren are to stand, I feel a gently […]

I can hear them down the hall in the nursery. They aren’t playing, just looking around. Then my heart melts. “When you were a baby, I helped with you. We are both going to be great helpers when the new baby comes.” I love overhearing the sweet moments between siblings! Yes, the rumors are true. […]

The early July sun beat down. The backyard aspen trees created a much needed cooling shade. The laughter and conversation filled my ears from the family behind me. No sooner did my camera click and I gave a “You look great!” did I hear my new friend bound over to me. “Can I see?” uttered […]

Katie Hudgins

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