Riverfront Park Senior Session

The sun glowed in the setting light casting a dreamy look onto the surroundings. The chatter of friends and families enjoying Riverfront Park floated around. Everyone was trying to catch the last fleeting days of summer. Winston’s tail happily swished back and forth. It was clear he was walking with his best friend. As if Jenni was trying to maneuver around an opponent on the soccer field, she turned and started running back towards me in her corduroy mini skirt. Winston raced to keep up with her. Smiles from ear to ear came to everyone’s faces. It was clear, together was their happy place.

Jennica is an athletic, sweet, sarcastic girl who I had the privilege of teaching 6th grade math to AND capturing her Riverfront Park senior session! She has definitely grown up since middle school, but her fun personality has held true. Jennica spends most of her time on the soccer field, including on the Skyview High School team. She is up for an adventure which included climbing down to the Yellowstone River and wading in with her cute sundress from Francescas. I am thrilled she will be part of my spokesmodel team this year! Which means I get to capture more gorgeous photos of her!

Jenni, it was so fun reconnecting with you. You are such a bright, fun girl and I loved every minute of your Riverfront Park senior session. I’m looking forward to getting you in front of my camera again for a few more photo sessions throughout the year and hearing all about how senior year is treating you. I know you will rock it and come out on top as you always do! Jenni, thank you again for choosing me to capture your senior pictures.

Riverfront Park Senior Session
Riverfront Park Senior Session

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