The sound of the river trickled by. We balanced over wobbly river rock. The chatter of the girls drifted in the quiet moments. My eyes were drawn to the bright colors of fall leaves lining the river. As we moved around to different locations, the girls started warming up. Before I knew it they were completely into this daddy & daughter session. “Let’s try a picture over here!” “Can we take one on this log?” “Would it look good to have the river in the back?” As I adjusted my settings for every scene they chose, I was loving every minute of having these mini models in front of my camera.
It was so much fun taking pictures of Bret and his two girls! They picked the perfect fall day to capture the golden leaves that popped against the light colored river bed. Although it was partly cloudy, the setting sun gave us a few glowing moments. I loved that the girls opened up and told me about their favorite dance styles and their plans for the evening. My favorite part had to be how they were on the lookout the whole time for a good camping stick. The plan was to keep in until summer! 🙂
Bret, I’m sure you know this but you have two amazing girls! Not only are they beautiful, but their personalities are so sweet. It was so much fun chatting with them about their hobbies and plans for the weekend. It is clear they have a special relationship with you and I admire how you make sure to create lasting memories with them. Bret, thank you again for choosing me to capture your daddy & daughter session.

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